Building and maintaining a strong, stable "Fishing in Schools" program requires a "3-Legged Stool"
The National Fishing in Schools Program is a nationwide outdoor education program for public and private schools. Its purpose is to provide funding, training, standards-compliant curriculum and equipment in a "turnkey" manner, thereby enabling schools to instruct their students in the lifetime benefits of angling.
The major beneficiaries of NFSP are the students. The young people of America. In that most might not otherwise have the chance to learn this beneficial lifetime outdoor activity, "Fishing in Schools" is for many the best, if not only, means to acquire this knowledge and skill.
With 50 million students in our schools, and new entrants every year, we have a lot to do.
There's another subset of beneficiaries of the National Fishing in Schools Program. These are integral to the support of the program, who depend upon new anglers to support and maintain their important work.
We think of this constituency as the "3 legs to the NFSP stool."